I’m pretty sure that most of us are familiar with rising gas prices because it seems like it’s always happening. I even remember a summer when I was a child when the discussion of fuel expenses was everywhere. At the time, prices were creeping over $2.00 per gallon and it was a huge deal. Now, that inflation has come into play, we are seeing prices rise even higher than before. So, the most practical thing to do when you’re dealing with inflation is to learn how to conserve fuel (unless, of course, you have extra money that you would like to use to fill up your tank). That’s why I thought that it would be a good idea to share some of the best ways to save gas in your car. You can read more about these gas and money-saving tips below.

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Try a gas treatment
Have you ever noticed that the quality of your ride isn’t the same as it used to be and that you need to fill up your tank more often? Then, you might need to try a gas treatment. But what does a gas treatment do for your car? According to this article by Advance Auto Parts, a gas treatment (also known as a fuel additive) can help with a handful of things. Depending on the additive that you use, gas treatments can help to:
- Remove buildup from your system
- Increase the octane level of your fuel
- Keep fuel from turning bad
- Prevent your fuel from coagulating
And an added bonus on top of this is that you can increase the fuel economy of your vehicle and save on gas.
Plan Out Your Trips
Another way that you can save gas in your car is by planning out your trips. But why would you go through the hassle of planning out your car ride when you can just hit the road? Well, if you’re planning to save gas at the pump, then it would also be a good idea to drive the least amount of miles as possible.
A helpful acronym that you can use before you hop in your car is WWW. Determining WHERE you need to go, WHY you need to go there, and WHEN you need to be there can make it easier for you to both plan and consolidate your trips.
Something that actually sparked this idea happened quite a while ago before I started driving. To be honest, I thought that it was in my old driving manual booklet, but I looked at the 2017 edition and didn’t see it (so either that information has been left out of the updated editions or it was a faulty memory of mine).
But the one thing that did stick with me was the recommendation of making your trips more efficient and reducing your time on the road. Now, whether their aim was to reduce traffic or not isn’t something that I can tell you. But this practice can really make a world of difference.
I started to do this because this information stayed with me throughout the years and I thought that it would be a good idea to try it out. However, I continued to do this because it was really nice to create my lists, find my items, checkout, and go.
Depending on the traffic, when I went to the store (early in the morning was usually the best time to go), how many places I needed to go, and how many items I had on my list, I could get most of my shopping done in around 4 to 5 hours. And although this is a rather long time to go on an errand run, I normally wouldn’t need to worry about visiting another store for around a month.
A helpful thing that I liked to do was write down items that I need when I remembered them and go back through the list before my shopping trip. After that, I would think about the stores that I needed to go to and split the items for each store onto separate note cards or create a list on my phone. Then, I would be prepared for my drive.
An additional step that you can do to be extra nifty is to plan your trip on Google maps (or any other navigating app) to get an estimate of how many miles you would be traveling during that outing.
So, using WWW to plan out your shopping trip, errands, and other drives can definitely help you save on gas.
Pay your Bills Online
This might be the first thing that comes to mind if you are thinking of one of the best ways to save gas in your car. But why would this be a good option? Well, utilizing the internet to pay your bills can allow you to pay your monthly dues at any time and from virtually any location. It’s especially a great option if you want to go the digital route and it doesn’t have to cost you anything extra.
However, for some companies, you do have to be on the lookout for pesky convenience and credit card fees. They can tack on up to 3.5% more to your payment! Which can really make you think twice about moving forward with your payment on an online platform.
But despite all of the effort that some companies use for this tricky tactic, it can usually be resolved using a great workaround known as a monthly bank draft (which you may also know as an ACH transfer). Having this set up on your account allows you to pay for your bills without the hassle of extra fees. In fact, most companies actually offer you a discount if you go this route or set up auto payments.
If you’re interested in this option, but have concerns about how to set up your auto payment, then don’t fret. It’s actually a pretty easy process of getting everything in place. If you have access to your online account, it can be as simple as heading to your settings, entering your payment details, and activating your auto payment. It can also be as easy as calling your billing company and letting them know.
So, it might be beneficial for you to see if you can process the payment of your bill online.
Find Alternative Forms Of Transportation
Another one of the best ways to save gas in your car is to try an alternative form of transit. Each area can vary in terms of what it can offer, so it’s best to look at your neighborhood to determine the types of transportation you can use without having a car.
For instance, your public transportation system might involve subways, buses, and trolleys. On the other hand, if you are in a suburban or rural area, you might only have access to a bus.
However, don’t let public transportation limit your choice. You can also look into alternative forms of transportation like riding a bike, skateboarding, riding a scooter, or carpooling (create a carpool group and schedule so that everyone has a turn).
Some of the best benefits of alternative transportation modes are that:
- You have additional time to dedicate to the activity of your choosing.
- You can get more exercise in your day (like walking, biking, etc.).
- You can make an impact on the environment and your roadways.
- You can reduce expenses related to your vehicle (such as maintenance costs due to wear and tear and cleaning fees).
And last but not least, you can also save the gas in your car for another trip.
Plan Activities That Do not Involve Driving
To piggyback off of the public transportation idea, another great thing to consider is to plan activities that don’t require a lot of driving. This would mean that you will need to keep in mind whether the activity is in your town or city. And, depending on the area that you are in, you could still end up being many miles away from your destination.
So, a better rule of thumb might be to think of activities that you can do without a car (or other vehicles). Or, think strictly about activities that you can do that is within walking distance to your home.
(If you need some ideas to help you brainstorm, you can try reading 30 Fun Activities That You Can Do Without Money.)
Not only will this help you to save gas (because your car will be used less often), but you will also get to know your neighborhood better! You could get to know your neighbor or find a hole-in-the-wall restaurant or shop that you might not have been able to see as well during your car ride. So, planning out things to do that do not require a vehicle is definitely one of the best ways to save gas on your car.
Buy A 4-Cylinder Vehicle
You are probably wondering how you can save money at the gas station by looking at other vehicles. Well, the answer lies directly in the engine. You might have heard of V4, V6, and V8 engines but might not have thought too much about them. However, this small detail can really have a huge impact when you are trying to save gas in your car.
When you think of vehicles with more cylinders, you think of trucks or SUVs that have more power. However, this can impact the fuel economy of the vehicle. On the other hand, having a car with fewer cylinders can improve your gas mileage. So, if you are in the market to buy a new vehicle, then a 4-cylinder might be good to have on your list.
You can also look into electric vehicles (EVs) or hybrid vehicles if you are looking for a ride that will use less fuel. So, the trade-off would be paying for a new vehicle now, so that you can enjoy the perk of saving gas with your car later down the road.
Drive When it is less busy
A simple solution that you can use to save money and gas in your car is to drive at times when there’s less traffic. This would involve mostly heading out during non-peak hours such as early mornings and nights. Otherwise, you might find yourself caught up in rush hour or another traffic jam (like the lunch rush).
The benefit of heading out the door a little earlier (or later) in the day is time. Ultimately, you’ll spend less time in traffic, so you will cut down on the total time that you will spend driving. Depending on where you’re located, this can even free up time to allow you to do other activities such as taking some time to focus on your hobby.
Also, besides saving money at the gas station, driving during less active times can help reduce your stress during your commute.
Drive When The Weather is Cooler
Did you know that when gas expands, your fuel economy can increase? So, you would think that driving when the weather is warmer would be the best time to head out the door. However, driving during this can not only improve your gas mileage, but it also has an effect on you too. So, more than likely, you will be reaching to crank up your AC.
However, using your air conditioner in your car can actually REDUCE your gas mileage. So, driving when the weather is a little cooler can help you to stay comfortable and save gas in your car. Some of the best times to go on your drive is during the morning, at dusk, or at night when the weather tends to be nicer.
Fully Inflate Your Tires
I know that this might sound bizarre, but you should also take a look at your tires when trying to improve your gas mileage. Why? Well, there is a direct correlation between your tire pressure and gas mileage. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, tires that are under-inflated can negatively impact gas mileage. In fact, for every psi that your tire is missing, you can expect your gas mileage to decrease by 0.2%. So, if you want to save gas on your car, then make sure that your tires are properly inflated.
Lighten The Load
Since I’m going over some of the best ways to save gas in your car, I can’t forget this tip! A great way that you can improve your gas mileage is by making your car as light as possible. But why?
Well, imagine that you are carrying a 75-pound block and walking as fast as you can to a finish line that is a few yards away. How much effort would you need to get there? Now, let’s switch the 75-pound block to one that only weighs 10 pounds. However, you still will be going at the same speed to reach the finish line. Wouldn’t it be easier for you to reach your goal?
The same thing applies to your car. The more things that you have loaded into it, the more energy it will take to get where you need to go. So, by taking out any unnecessary items outside of your car, you can help to conserve the fuel that you already have.
Drive At A Constant Speed
Another great way that you can help to improve your gas mileage is to make sure that you drive a constant and steady speed. That means that extra braking and acceleration are out the window. Not only will this cause unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicle, which will eat up more of your money, but it can also impact the miles that you are able to go.
So, making the transition to becoming a smoother driver would be beneficial. Not only will this help you to save gas, but you can also help to keep other drivers around you safe as well.
So, there are a number of ways that you can save money at the pump and improve your gas mileage. I wouldn’t say that one of these options is the best way to save gas on your car, but using several of these options could really make an impact on your vehicle, wallet, and health.
Thank you for reading my post! Hopefully, it has helped you to figure out some ways that you can conserve fuel and increase your fuel economy. What do you think would be the best way to save you the most on your car?
Happy Saving!

Hannah Roberts is the creator of Do. Live. Study. She loves to learn new things and hopes to help others as they go throughout their journey as an adult. You can connect with her below.