How To Keep Your Budget With The Envelope Method
Saving money can sometimes be a difficult task to do. Although this can be even harder for those who earn a low income, or have to pay down their debt. So, that’s why using something like the envelope method is a great option! So, keep […]
What Is A Savings Plan?
Have you ever said that you were going to start saving money, but never got around to it? If you answered yes, you should know that that there are other people in the same boat too. And the main cause of the issue is likely […]
Save Money By Using A Free Streaming Service
You probably are enrolled in some type of streaming service (yeah, you know the one that you pay around ten bucks a month for). And you probably really enjoy watching the shows on there too, but at some point you’ve probably wondered, “Are there any […]
9 Expenses That You Need To Cut From Your Budget
Making a cut to your budget can really help you to step up your savings game. But the big question is what do you have to do to reduce your monthly expenses. Should you cut back on your spending in general? Or, would it be […]
33 Free Activities You Can Do For A No Spend Weekend
Hey guys! Today, we’re going to be talking about some ideas that you can do for a no spend weekend challenge. But first, let me answer the question, “What is a no spend challenge?” Basically, a no spend challenge is just a period of time […]