Boost Your Wellbeing With Weekly Mental Health Checks + Free Printable

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You’ve probably noticed an increase in mental health awareness and care over the past years. Whether it’s on a TV show or a post about self-care on social media. But the big question is why? And the simplest answer is that everyone is noticing just how important it is to take care of your mental health.

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Why Your Mental Health Is Important?

Your mental health is not just limited to your emotions and thoughts. It can also influence other things like the state of your body, how you experience situations, how you interact with others, and your relationship with them.

Also, it doesn’t just affect individuals dealing with mental illnesses. Stressful daily tasks can also have a negative impact on your health and can lead to things such as burnout, stress, and even a lack of sleep. So, that’s why it’s extremely important for you to take an active role to manage your stress and improve your mental health. And a great way to do this is to start having a mental health check weekly!

Overtime, using this method (and other techniques) will help you to identify what is damaging your mental health and how to resolve it (and will positively impact your life in the future).

What Mental Health Check In Questions Should I Use?

It will help to have a handful of questions to use as a guide during your weekly mental health check. Some questions that might be helpful are:

  • How am I feeling? Have I been feeling more anxious, sad, frustrated, or unmotivated lately?
  • Have I been getting enough sleep?
  • Have I been eating healthy and staying hydrated?
  • Have I done any physical activities this week?
  • Did I take time to do something that I enjoy?

You can store these questions (and any others that you have come up with) in a notebook or the Notes app on your phone to help you keep track of your health throughout the week. Or you can use alternative methods to track your health.

Alternative Tools For Mental Health Check

There are a number of tools that you can use if you don’t like the method above. A good alternative would be a mood tracker or mood/thought journal. Or, you can use a checklist (if you need one you can download a weekly mental health checklist and burnout flowchart below).

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You can also use mood tracker apps like Daylio or, if your situation is more intense, you could try talking to a counselor or therapist. And, in the mean time, taking up different self-care activities such as journaling can be beneficial too.


Know that your mental health matters! You can improve your livelihood by implementing simple, routine methods every week to track your emotional state and help you pinpoint where you might need to make changes.

Take care!

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